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Equal Opportunities for Members

  1. Penrith Singers welcomes singers of all ages and there is no audition process. Members are required to attend 75% of rehearsals to perform in the concert. If there are reasons that this may not be possible, members must notify the committee and discretion may be granted.

  2. Penrith Singers are committed to ensuring equal opportunities in access to membership of the choir, for their audiences, and recipients of the Paul Jenkins Bursary. Penrith Singers accept its responsibility to promote equal opportunities and to challenge discrimination wherever it occurs. Any member who has a concern or complaint related to equal opportunities should speak to a member of the committee. They may be asked to put their concern or complaint in writing.

  3. Penrith Singers does not discriminate on the grounds of race, culture, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation or disability, and will make reasonable adjustments to meet the needs of people with disabilities. Penrith Singers acknowledge their responsibility to make reasonable adjustments to enable access under the Equality Act 2010.

  4. St Andrew's Church, Penrith is the most suitable venue in the town for our main concerts and rehearsal space. In the event where this performance and rehearsal space is not available, Penrith Singers will find the most suitable alternative that fits the needs of the choir. Every attempt will be made to use a venue that is accessible for both members and audience but this may not always be possible. If notified in advance, Penrith Singers will make arrangements for choir members and audience with any disability to be seated in an accessible location.  Penrith Singers also commit to make arrangements for the hire of music in Braille or other formats when notified by choir member(s) in advance.

  5. Ticket prices, subscriptions for members, and programme prices are carefully considered. Penrith Singers does not want anyone to be prevented from being part of the choir for financial reasons. Penrith Singers are committed to promoting equality of opportunity regardless of class and socio-economic background and will investigate appropriate sources to support members of the choir and audiences who may require financial discretion. Members of the choir are welcome to discuss payment methods with the Treasurer to best suit their needs. The committee will annually review and publicise its membership fees in line with changing needs. 

  6. If given notice, we are willing to provide printed material such as programmes in accessible formats on request. 

This policy will be reviewed every two years by the committee. Members of Penrith Singers will be informed of any changes to the policy and be invited to comment. 19/03/2024

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